SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto

    SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto - CMS Tools

    SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto là gì? Thông tin tổng quan, bảng giá, hướng dẫn sử dụng, reviews và đánh giá tính năng phần mềm SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto. Những phần mềm thay thế SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto dùng trong lĩnh vực CMS Tools, ưu nhược điểm và so sánh? Xem thông tin tham khảo dưới đây!

    SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto là gì

    SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto là giải pháp phần mềm SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto Reviews với chức năng và chi phí phù hợp cho các doanh nghiệp từ nhỏ và vừa (SMEs) tới các doanh nghiệp lớn. Phần mềm SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto được đánh giá cao bởi cả người dùng lẫn chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực CMS Tools.
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    SharePoint Forms Designer allows SharePoint users to create and adjust custom SharePoint list forms for creating, editing, and viewing list items, manage permissions of separate users or groups. Virto SharePoint Forms Designer key features: - Create custom attractive forms with additional sections and blocks, using the drag and drop feature. - Set user or group permissions to view form fields. - Customize form text fields and hide labels of fields if needed. - Add images, lookup columns, buttons, links, and many ... Show More other elements to your form. - Define colors, text styles, and design the fields’ appearance with additional Virto SharePoint Forms Designer tools (Rich text formatting, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editors). - Ability to apply the same view for creating, editing, and displaying forms, without individual adjustment. - Exportimport saved form templates and apply the same or slightly modified view for different lists. - Apply color themes for tabs and accordions. - Support for cross site lookup field type.

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    • SharePoint Forms Designer by Virto Reviews

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    • Growth plan: free Warp Speed plan: $299/month paid annually (or $399/month when paid monthly) Enterprise plan: contact Pyze for a custom pricing plan

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