Biobanking LIMS

    Biobanking LIMS - Laboratory Software

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    Biobanking LIMS là gì

    Biobanking LIMS là giải pháp phần mềm LIMS Software với chức năng và chi phí phù hợp cho các doanh nghiệp từ nhỏ và vừa (SMEs) tới các doanh nghiệp lớn. Phần mềm Biobanking LIMS được đánh giá cao bởi cả người dùng lẫn chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực Laboratory Software.
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    Phân loại Laboratory Software
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    LABA is cloud application for management of storage facilities and stored material in biomedical research including biobanking. LABA includes: • creation of virtual storage facilities • localisation and quantification of stored material • creation of precise and clearly structured repository of stored material • e-ordering • management of knowledge base and logistics • e-diary INNOVATIVE ASPECTS AND MAIN ADVANTAGES Crucial innovative aspect of this software is the integrated approach to manage both - storage ... Show More facilities and material stored therein. Once the virtual storage facilities are created in the software, only predefined i.e. described material can be virtually stored. Material describing takes place in separated yet connected register. This register enables not only to create a list of material available in the lab, but also to enter vital data about the material origin, its purpose and usage instructions necessary for optimal and successful application of this material. Such comprehensive software approach results in clear advantages for end users in economic and optimal management of lab storage facilities and stored material. Thus, the software enables users to know what, where, how and in which amount is stored in their lab and how it should be used. Original and user friendly software features include: 1) specific entry form available for each category of stored material; 2) defined obligatory data ensuring that minimal data entry; 3) non redundant data entry.

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